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mfa presents: The Amish Project – In Collaboration with UMBC Maryland
After three years of pandemic stand-by, mfa proudly presents:
by Jessica Dickey
We are very pleased to announce, that mfa will be producing the american play The Amish Project by Jessica Dickey in collaboration with the American director Nikki Ann Hartman and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). The Amish Project is a fictional exploration of the Nickel Mines schoolhouse shooting in the Amish Community of Nickel Mines in Pennsylvania in 2006. The play will be directed by Nikki Ann Hartman UMBC Department of Theatre and will run from June 8th – 10th 2023 in Munich.
The production is being funded in part by the UMBC College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, the UMBC Department of Theatre and mfa.
We are deeply grateful to UMBC and Delsi Media for helping to make this project possible❤️
Key information:
The Amish Project directed by Nikki Ann Hartman
Pepper Theater Neuperlach – München
Dates: June 8/9/10
Show starts at 8 pm (90 min long), Doors open at 7:15 pm
Regular tickets 18€, Discounted tickets 12€ (Students etc.)
!!! The play is performed in it’s original language (English) !!!
The Players
Saskia Preil – AMERICA
Dana Reinhardt – SHERRY LOCAL
Damian von Below – EDDIE
Jacob Loerbroks – BILL NORTH
Alexandra Grant/Lara Kimpel – CAROL STUCKEY
Victoria Goldie – VELDA
Annalena Schön – ANNA
©The Amish Project Stage rights by courtesy of Concord Theatricals.
The Amish Project was originally presented in the New York International Fringe Festival in association with Nora Productions, and further developed and produced by Cherry Lane Theater, Angelina Fiordellisi, Artistic Director. World premiere produced by Rattlestick Playwrights Theater in association with Nora Productions.
As an actor- and community-centered ensemble-based theatre piece, The Amish Project is a powerful and timely play to present. Ongoing and increasing gun violence, including in communities, schools, and on college campuses throughout the U.S., continues to garner international attention. In August 2019, Amnesty International along with multiple foreign governments—Japan, Venezuela among others, issued a travel advisory warning to anyone traveling in the United States to exercise caution due to the high risk of gun violence. Now, 16 years after the schoolhouse shooting in Nickel Mines, the increasing numbers of mass-shootings in the United States remains topical and part of regular conversation around the globe.