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CASTING CALL – The Amish Project
Munich Film Academy (mfa) in collaboration with American director Nyalls Hartman is pleased to announce open casting for The Amish Project by Jessica Dickey (Ensemble Version), to be performed in English in Munich, Germany, August 13 – 15, 2020.
Production Title: The Amish Project
Production Type: Theatre
Project Length: 80mins
Production Location: Munich
Produced By: mfa Munich Film Academy
Director: Nyalls Hartman
Email: info@muenchen-film-akademie.de
Casting: March 1 – 20, 2020
Call Backs: T.B.A.
Rehearsals Start: Jul 13, 2020
Rehearsals End: Aug 07, 2020
Technical/Dress Rehearsals: Aug 8 – 12, 2020
Performances: Aug 13 – 15, 2020
The Amish Project is a fictional exploration of a real event of a shooting that took place in an Amish Schoolhouse on October 2, 2006 in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, USA.
CHARACTER BIOS for available parts (Children’s roles played by adults.)
[ANNA] [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE:14] [AMISH] – Amish girl. Age 14. Victim of the shooting
[AMERICA] [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 16] [HISPANIC] – Hispanic girl, age 16. Pregnant. Works in the local grocery store.
[BILL NORTH] [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 50s] [ENGLISH/NON-AMISH] – English/ non-Amish, in his 50s. Scholar and professor on Amish culture, as well as friend and spokesman to several Amish families affected by the shooting.
[EDDIE STUCKEY] [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 33] [ENGLISH/NON-AMISH] – English/non-Amish. The gunman of schoolhouse shooting, age 33. Killed himself at the end of the schoolhouse attack.
[SHERRY LOCAL] [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 53] [ENGLISH/NON-AMISH] – English/non-Amish woman, age 53. Resident of Nickel Mines, PA.
[ADDITIONAL ENSEMBLE ROLES] [GENDER: MALE/FEMALE] [AGE: VARIOUS] [AMISH] – representing various Members of the Amish Community, various ages.